rodrigo benoit

rodrigo benoit

Hi, i'm a software developer, from Montevideo, Uruguay. I coded this page to show myself and connect with people.

ruby on rails

stories index

  • about this page
  • My career as a developer
  • about this page

    This page is a Next.js project that has two pages, this one and another that i use to edit the data using this same view but with the html elements with contentEditable=true . The project is a hybrid of React.js and vanilla Javascript , what is an anti-pattern but i have no option if i want to edit the data directly in the html. In general what i am doing is using MutationObserver to catch the changes in the DOM and put them into references( React.MutableRefObject ). Then i can store the data in a MongoDB database when i click the save button. I am using Prisma to handle the database. I also have a "revalidate" button that i use to generate the static elements of the page that will be sending to the clients. The page will have also the capability to online communication, i have already the back-end part that uses Node.js  with WebSocket , and connect with Redis database as broker. I have slope develop the clients parts for the online communication, the part that i will use and what the visitors will use.
    The feature that took me more work is a pallet to edit the stories, with different types of styles for the text and with the possibility of adding links and images. 
    Image of the edit view:

  • My career as a developer

    I started this journey taking a Python  programming course in 2017, there i learned the basic features and concepts of the language and programming in general, i did some small projects with no more that 500 code lines the largest. After that i studied  Java  by my own with material in the internet, and then i got my first job as a developer in a small company of my country to work with java 6 in a big and old system. I worked there for almost 2 years and then i switched to my second job as a developer to work in a software factory enterprise. I began working there with a web java 8 project, then also i worked with Ruby on Rails and React  in a e-commerce project, and also i got some React Native experience in an internal training project. I was one year there and afterwards i started working as a freelance and building a personal project. I would say that i created a base that i can then use either to work upon it or to use some part in other projects. The project allow people to create and publish so called "project" that consists of name, description, profiles, etc.., and then other people can find the "projects" in a searcher and apply and join them. The project has a back-end part compose of four Java 17 with Spring framework apps, one is a bunch of rest services that connect with a MySQL database using Hibernate. Other is for exchange messages between users, using RabbitMQ as broker. The third is a gateway that forward incoming requests to the firsts two when the routes are unprotected or when the token is validated for protected routes, otherwise reject the request with a 401. The last is a shared project for the others three that has common things like the routes and the types of users.The project has also a React app written with  Typescript for the front-end.
    I also had been working in this page as i described in other story.